DIY pot pourri 

Hello all, yet another post on how to make your home smell amazing, cheaply and cheerfully.

DIY pot pourri 

There are several ways of making pot pourri from scratch, either buy dried flowers on eBay or dry your own, the sky is the limit with what goes in.

Or a quicker way (as seen in the picture) buy a cheap pack of pourri (Tesco £2) and throw in household ingredients, add a few drops of your desired essential oil/s and violà. 

What I used:

  • Cinnamon sticks
  • Bay leaves
  • Star anise
  • Cloves
  • Cardamom seeds

It smells lovely, it fills the room and gives an autumnal feel. Be experimental with different scents – herbs, spices, flowers, essential oils and dried fruits (orange, lemon, lime, grapefruit) 

Slice fruit, place them on a lined baking tray, bake them slowly in the oven on a low temperature for 2-3 hours.

Look in charity shops for interesting bowls for the pourri, I used a snack bowl which I had been saving for specifically this. 

Love always x

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